Curriculum Vitae

Tane Matiu
Po box 92 Maungakaramea
(09) 4329097
2007 - 2nd yr Degree in Applied/Visual arts at Te Tai Tokerau Wananga
2006 - 1 yr Degree in Applied/Visual arts at Te Tai Tokerau Wananga
2005 - Dip in Whakairo at Te Wananga o Aotearoa
2004 - 1st yr Dip Whakairo at Te Wananga o Aotearoa
2003 - Dip Te Pokairua Ngapuhi at Te Tai Tokerau Wananga
2002 - 1st yr dip Te Pokaitahi at Te Tai Tokerau Wananga
2001 - Pipitanga certificate in Te reo Tikanga
2000 - 1995 Prime caregiver for my parents


Exegesis (space and materials)
In our brief we were given a task to respond to a selected piece of text. From the piece of text we were to form multiple 3D images out of paper. These images were to construct a picture giving life to the selected text and was only allowed to be placed on the wall.
The text I had chosen was "stand out in the crowd"
To do this I made one piece of paper unique in a cluster of pieces. As an emerging artist we also have to stand out in the crowd if we are to make a living from our art. To show that our art is unique. To capture the onlookers and to shift their perception of your art into an aesthetic wow. This is a awesome attribute to have when creating art for an exhibition. One comment that was interesting was, that it looked like feathers on a korowai draped on the wall.
At a personal level when i reflect back on our efforts as a class when we install these. I couldn't help feeling that, in this exercise everybody in our class was revealing something about themselves and how they go about creating art. Maybe all of this is done on a subconscious level.